GSL Public Strategies Group

Gene Barr
Gene Barr
Senior Advisor, Corporate Engagement
John Bear
John C. Bear
CEO and Chief Innovation Officer
Ashley Boop
Ashley E. Boop
Senior Consultant
Gladys Brown Dutrieuille
Senior Advisor, Public Utilities and Energy Policy
Debra L. Failor
Compliance Officer
Kyle Fitzsimmons
Kyle Fitzsimmons
Vice President, Public Affairs
Rob Ghormoz
Robert J. Ghormoz
Vice President, Public Affairs
Beth Melena
Vice President, Strategic Communications
Adrienne C. Muller
Senior Associate
Jordan Ney
Jordyn H. Ney
Associate, Public Affairs
Tara B. Piechowicz
Vice President, Strategic Initiatives
Michael D. Rader
Vice President, Film, Housing and Energy
Tammy Rose
Tamara Fox Rose
Assistant General Counsel
Elizabeth Russoli
Senior Consultant
Jacob G. Smeltz
Vice President, Live Events
Nicholas Soccio
Vice President, Economic Incentives
Gregory C. Thall
Vice President, Budget and Regulatory Affairs
Steve Tuckey
Stephen F. Tuckey
General Counsel